Roma, La Rustica, Evirnmental Redevelopment Final design for environmental redevelopment works on the strip of territory crossed by the urban section of the Roma-Napoli highway, Rome junction, LA RUSTICA area. Value of the project is over €. 2,5 million. Date: 2012 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: RISORSE PER ROMA SPA
Vittorio Veneto Variant VE13/09 – SS n 51 of Alemagna – Vittorio Veneto (East circular road) Variant – Junction La Sega – Hospital - 1st excerpt La Sega-Rindola Date: 2012 2015 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: ANAS
Algeria, Tlelat/Moroccan border Railroad Realisation du troncon 1 oued tlélat/tlemcen (130km) de la ligne nouvelle a double voie electrifiee oued tlelat/frontiere marocaine Il valore delle opere progettate è oltre 3,0 milioni di €. Value of the project is over €. 2,5 million. Date: 2012 -2015 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: ANESRIF
Verona, "ex-gasometro" parking lot Realization of an underground and street level parking lot in the area knows as “ex gasometro” - Verona. Value of the project is over €. 3 million. Date: 2012 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: Comune di Verone
Campo Felice, Road Junction Services related to the drafting of the construction project Q30/05 – roadway junction between the Campo Felice plain and the "delle rocche" plateau. Date: 2012 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: ANAS
Highway: Pedemontana Lombarda, Varese, Valico del Gaggiolo Project management services related to the executive design and works on the B1, B2, C and D stretches, and adjustment works on the Dalmine – Como – Varese – Valico del Gaggiolo highway junction, and related works. Date: 2012 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde
Palermo, Marine Station Support activity on the design and development of specific and/or detail papers on civil works in the construction phase for the redevelopment and restyling of the Marine Station of the Palermo harbor. Value of the project is over €. 1.0 million. Date: 2012 - 2015 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: Autorità Portuale di Palermo
Puglia, Adjustment of SS96 Barese S.S. 96 “Barese” - Gravina-Bari stretch. Design for the modernization and compliance to the “sez III CNR”, of the end of the Toritto-Modugno stretch, including the 1st variant of “Palo del Colle”. Executive design of minor works and hydraulics Value of the proeject is over € 15.0 million. Date: 2013 - 2014 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: ANAS
Puglia, Adjustment SS96 barese S.S. 96 “Barese” - Gravina-Bari stretch. Design for the modernization and compliance to the “sez Tipo “B” del c.d.s.” of the stretch from the end of the Altamura variant and the beginning of the Toritto one. Second stretch from Km 84+154 (Altamura) to Km 94+40 (juunction with the first stretch) – Executive design Major and Minor works and hydraulics. Value of the proeject is over € 30.0 million. Date: 2013 - 2014 Buyer: Ingegneri Associati Infrastrutture Awarding Authority: ANAS
Qatar, Doha, Red Line North elevated and at grade and Green Line elevated and at grade . Support activities to the preparation of technical reports relating to the final design for the construction of the lot indicated in the reference for the DOHA city subway, in the J.V. of the companies RIZZANI DE ECCHER – LOTTE – REDCO. Qatar University station and Lusaic station. Date: 2015 Buyer: PROGIN S.p.a.
Awarding Authority: Qatar Railways Company
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Metro Project Support for the preparation of technical drawings relating to Shop Drawings for the construction of the viaduct 3A1 Station , of the West Depot and East Depot, structural and mep design. Date: 2015 - underway Buyer: ERREGI S.r.l.
Awarding Authority: ArRiyadh New Mobility Consortium -
Expressway Marche-Umbria and Quadrilatero Maxi Lot 2 Support to the final project . Completion works for mai way Perugia - Ancona: Lot Fabriano-Matelica Nord, minor works.
Date: 2015 Buyer: PROGIN S.p.a.
Awarding Authority: Quadrilatero Marche S.p.a. -
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Landbridge Railway Project. The Saudi Landbridge Railway Project, concept and preliminary phase. Support for the preliminary design of Section 2 of the Landbridge Railway Project.
Date: 2016 - underway Buyer: ERREGI S.r.l.